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Promoting Quality of Life for Those in Need!

Daily Assistance for Independent Living

A Reflection of You Counseling & Support Services (ARYCSS), LLC provides in-home services to seniors and individuals with cognitive and physical challenges. Our services will benefit you and your loved one’s well-being!

Helping hand in using the walker for an old man.

Positive Impact on Your Quality of Life

Our support services make a positive impact on the well-being and quality of life of anyone needing assistance in daily life, learning life skills, or accessing community resources.

Making a positive impact on your life.

Why Choose Us

Our experienced team of experts works with families and their loved ones who are in need of support, education, and resources to live independently in their homes. We specialize in senior care, traumatic brain injury sufferers, dementia, and physically disabled, or any one in need of assistance at home and in the community.

  • Living Independently at Home – We provide daily services to assist with tasks that may be difficult due to age or disability.
  • Medicaid Waiver Provider – As providers of Nursing Home Transition and Diversion, and Traumatic Brain Injury Medicaid Waiver services, we offer a full menu of services, training, and resources for daily senior support, disability assistance, and recovery.
  • Community Resources – We help families assess their needs for maintaining a loved one’s safety and quality of life in the home while coordinating the resources and training to improve daily living.
  • Caregiving – All of our professional caregivers are trained in universal precautions, healthcare, and individualized training on clients and client needs. All caregivers are bonded and federally background checked.

Assisted Living at Home

Interested in starting a new career? We are seeking responsible, dedicated, fun-loving, and compassionate individuals to work with our clients.

For available opportunities in your area please visit our employment page, or find us on Facebook and apply today!

A Reflection of You Counseling & Support Services, LLC

PO Box 829
Canandaigua, NY 14424


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM